We like to do things properly.
We're passionate about our products, how they're made, who makes them, and what they're made from. We want to make sure we're creating pieces of quality, that we are proud to put our name to.
We believe that quality is not just about how well something has been made, but also how durable it is, and whether it will last. We believe that clothes should be lived in, kept, and treasured. We think Vivienne Westwood pretty much sums it up:
"Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality, not quantity. Everybody's buying far too many clothes."
- Vivienne Westwood
From the very start of our brand, we decided to commit to only having our garments made in England. But why?
"Citadel" - 100% Organic Cotton. Made & Printed in Manchester, England.
Why Manufacture in England?
There's a strong heritage here. We love that Manchester's nickname was once "Cottonopolis", because of its booming textiles industry. Whilst much of that has, over recent decades, been lost in favour of cheaper production overseas, there are still pockets of manufacturers here who proudly carry on the tradition of garment production. Because of that heritage, there are centuries, of skill and expertise in these isles. We know how to make clothes really well.
For RUN&FELL, a commitment to manufacturing in England isn’t solely about ensuring high quality production, supporting local manufacturers and suppliers, but also about transparency in our supply chain.
There's such a lot of exploitation throughout the garment industry, and yet as consumers here in Britain we don't hear too much about it until something really bad happens. Like the notorious Rana Plaza disaster back in 2013 which hit the headlines after the factory collapsed killing over 1000 garment industry workers.
By choosing to manufacture here in England, we know exactly who is making our clothes, and in what conditions, and can make sure that we're not exploiting anyone.
“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger & unhappiness”
- Mahatma Gandhi
For RUN&FELL, building a brand on values that customers can trust is so important. We want to create a great quality product and do it with integrity. We value the environment and we value people. It's just good business.
"Garland" - 100% Organic Cotton. Made & Printed in Manchester, England.